Heike Göring
As an alternative practitioner, I want to promote improvement in your health and your quality of life – with this goal in mind, I have developed the AtlasOptimal® procedure. The starting point of my professional career was dizziness, which I suffered from for many years. Conventional medical treatments were unable to help me. Therefore, I looked for alternatives – and was helped by Swiss-born René-C. Schümperli, whose method helped me to finally live free of symptoms after many years of suffering.
As a result of this personal experience, I decided to learn the basics of atlas correction myself. From 2003 onwards, I worked with the Swiss atlas expert René-C. Schümperli. In 2004, I opened my own practice in Frankfurt am Main and introduced his method of atlas correction to Germany for the first time. As a result of my many years of experience, I have continually refined René-C. Schümperli’s palpatory findings and developed the AtlasOptimal® procedure.